The Mystique: Computer Tricks
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How to Install IDM 6.25 Build 25 Full Version Cracked (2016)

How to Install IDM 6.25 Build 25 Full Version Cracked (2016)

We all know that Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a great software to download videos at incredible speeds and also, safely. Unfortunately, IDM is available for free only for 30 days. After that, it needs to purchased (no use of re-installing it. That won't work).

When you open it's home website, you'll see this..

How to Install IDM 6.25 Build 25 Full Version Cracked (2016)

Features of Internet Download Manager:

✓ Divides downloads into multiple streams for faster downloading
✓ Batch downloads
✓ Import/Export download jobs
✓ Auto/manual updating of download address
✓ Multiple queues
✓ Recent downloads list for easy access to directories
✓ Video downloading from streaming video sites.

But, don't worry. You can install the full version of IDM now for free. Below are the steps (Watch the video)

Steps to Install IDM (simple steps):

Download link :

 1. Install IDM by running "idman625build25.exe"

Note: no need to exit / close IDM if running.

2. After installing, click Finish. But, DO NOT restart your computer.

3. Run "32bit Patch build 25.exe" if you're using 32bit operating system.
   Run "64bit Patch build 25.exe" if you're using 64bit operating system.

4. Done. Enjoy simplest IDM installation ever.

5. To uninstall this Patch just go, find and run IDM Patch Uninstaller.exe and follow instructions.

Don't worry if your antivirus give any type of error or virus, because the patch file is listed as a "virus". Just disable your antivirus and install. It'll not harm your computer or anything because it's 100% tested and safe. 

Enjoy the software :)

How to crack CATIA V5 on windows 8 (works for windows 10 too!!)

Install CATIA V5 on windows 8 and 10:

Download CATIA V5 here : Drive
1. There are 2 ISO files in the downloaded folder.

2. Extract GA64 and PDR iso files into seperate folders "ga64" and "pdr" and create an extra folder "License file".

3. Goto ga64 and run "setup.exe" and click all "Next" and "Yes" buttons unless you want to change default installation path.

4. After installing catia Uncheck "Launch catia now" and click "Finish".

5. Go to solid squad folder in ga64 folder and run "License installer" create a server and name it "localhost".

6. Right click on server and "connect" , right click again and "display properties".

7. Run "license generator" which is in the solid squad folder (same folder) and enter the name and pc id from displayed properties of installer and hit "Generate".

8. Generate the license in ''License file'' which is in the downloads folder and hit ok.

9. Now goto Licenses in the toolbar of license installer and enroll the license from "license file" and hit ok.

10.Copy the licenses folder from Solidsquad folder and paste it in "C:/Programdata/Dassaultsystemes"

11. Here program data folder is hidden so goto view and check "show hidden files".

12. Launch "settings management V5" and goto licensing tab and check all licenses except "educational heat 2 configuration" and hit ok.

13. Launch Catia and if you get any errors hit ok ad wait for license manager to load and hit ok and then you are good to go !


Andromouse - The wireless mouse and keyboard controller for your Android Device.


                Have you ever tried to watch Movies or Listen songs or give presentations on your PC by sitting far away from it ?
                 You can do so by using a wireless mouse but it is not comfortable like a Tv remote.So for such occassions Andromouse will come in handy. It is an android application which can be used to control your Computer's cursor and use keyboard remotely.

To make it work on your PC and mobile you need to download clients on both.
1. For mobile : Googleplay (.apk)
2. For Pc : Zip file (PC server)

For andromouse to work your pc should support bluetooth or wifi and it should have Java installed. 
If your PC doesn't has Java, you can download it right away here :
             Once you install the apk and download the zip file, open the .jar file in the zip folder and start the sever then switch on WiFi or Bluetooth and connect your mobile via the application.
That's it ! You are ready to go.

This video will help you in installing and connecting.

How to Create a Password Protected Folder

                    Hiding your personal or confidential data has become very easy on electronic devices like Computer or mobile phones with the help of many applications like "secret folder creator", "App locker" etc. But you can create a simple secret locked folder to hide your important data on your PC by just using Notepad.

To create a password protected folder follow these easy steps :

1. Open notepad and paste the code given here 

title Folder Private
if EXIST "HTG Locker" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER
echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Private "HTG Locker"
attrib +h +s "HTG Locker"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== 
attrib -h -s "HTG Locker"
ren "HTG Locker" Private
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Private
echo Private created successfully
goto End

  •  Find for the password (red colored) and replace it with your own password.

2. Saving folder
  • Save folder as .bat file
  • Instead of saving the file as ".txt" save it as ".bat"

3. Enter the password to open your secret folder.


4. If you forget your password, edit it!

Now you can save your important and personal data into your secret folder. Enjoy!