Can a Person Return after His Death? - The Mystique

Can a Person Return after His Death?


NDE- Spiritual or Paranormal?

                      Death is obviously the most fearful and indeed most bemusing consequence since centuries.  Despite the advancements in technology, we could not win in this battle of death. However, there are some traits where the person who faced the death returning to life. Is this really possible?  Yeah, the odds are on for it. This incredible spiritual experience is termed as Near Death Experience [NDE] (There is a sham in commoners that it is a paranormal phenomenon but, it’s a wrong one).

Death- what is it?

                       According to science, if a person’s vital processes end permanently in a cell or tissue, it is called death while spirituality defines it as a process of separation of subtle body from a conscious body permanently (Note the difference here. Temporary separation of subtle body can be seen in case of Out-of-Body Experiences).  Death occurs in two stages- In the first stage, heart stops functioning, he is said to be clinically dead. But, brain has enough reserves of oxygen to survive enough for 3-6 minutes. After this span, the person would be gone out of the worlds forever.
                      The most interesting part here is the golden 3 minutes. What exactly happens at that time?

The Golden 3 minutes

                      After the state of clinical death, the conscious body move from reality (slow thought process) to a state of high consciousness (where the thought process is very swift) i.e. the person starts to reel back his emotions, thoughts and feelings in the meanwhile.  The intense stress conditions at this stage may bring the person to a state called REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. Scientists say that this condition triggers the rapid thought processes resulting in a dream- like state. But, the reason for high chances of NDE’s in patients suffering from cardiac arrests and coma conditions remain vague.
                       In order to confirm that these experiences are not hallucinations, in 2008, Southampton University conducted a study on 2060 patients suffering from cardiac arrests to examine their experiences.  Interestingly, 40% of them could share what they had experienced while others couldn't. This might be due to the medication provided then. Dr. Sam Parnia, the study’s lead author says

                 “Contrary to perception, death is not a specific moment but a potentially reversible process that occurs after any severe illness or accident causes the heart, lungs and brain to cease functioning. If attempts are made to reverse this process, it is referred to as ‘cardiac arrest’; however, if these attempts do not succeed it is called ‘death’.”

NDE’s- Common Traits

                       Astoundingly, NDE’s are characterized by religious and personal beliefs of people. Here are some common experiences shared by people

Bright light: Entire room is filled with intense, bright light possibly giving the indication of approaching God and suddenly falling back to life.

Encounter with “Beings of white light”: Suddenly gets into touch with angels or with the beloved deceased ones.

Out of Body Experiences: The person can see him lying on the bed and can see doctors, nurses working. In this case, the body flies into prodigious extent of space.

Tunnel: Some claimed to see an endless tunnel in which they travel with enormous speeds and then returning to their bodies.

                     Some people claimed to experience severe trauma and anguish while some regression of their past lives. Though there are some fake experiences given by people, these death experiences will continue to awe us. Intense studies have been going on to unveil the secrets behind this mystery. Scientists believe strongly that understanding things behind NDE’s will help us to answer many questions like “life after death”.


  1. Enjoyed reading the lines between LIFE and DEATH !!

    1. Thank you.. Hope you will enjoy other articles too !!

  2. No one really knows what happens.
    I have read about the experiences people have faced while being back from the dead... very intriguing...
