How to Have an out-of-Body Experience?

Do you want to project yourself out of your body into the astral plane or do you want to see your body from the cosmos? These experiences are eminent as OBE (Out-of-Body experiences). Generally, many people have an erroneous feeling that OBE's involve trauma and anguish as most of them are experienced during deaths, illness or Near Death Experiences (NBE's). In fact, there is nothing to worry about them as we experience them unwillingly during our dreams (especially at dawn).
There are many methods for achieving OBE and here are some you can give a try.
The first thing you need is to believe in what you are doing and think repeatedly that " I am going to have an out-of-body experience". Make you head pointed to magnetic North (this would fetch better results).
1. Lie down yourself on a comfortable position (sit in a chair or a sofa) and ensure yourself that you will not get disturbed by anyone and any sort of dins. It would be best if you sit in a lonely and dark room.
2. Examine your surroundings carefully before closing your eyes. Shut down your eyes and try to recall every object and their respective shapes in your mind.
3. Now, imagine yourself in other part of the room and try to imagine everything as above and don't drop you apart from it i.e, include yourself also.
4. Now, try to raise your body to that spot carefully and stay very calm and relaxed. Keep yourself away from any sort of upheavals.
5.Try to feel vibrations and energy flowing in every part of your body and you will be able to project your body into astral plane. When you are done, open your astral eyes. Then, you should be able to see your body, every object in your room.
You may not be able to achieve this in one time. Try these steps several times until you would be fine with it.
Method -2
Try this method when you had adequate sleep (and not oversleep) but don't at tired times as there are high chances of sleeping in the process.
1. Imagine a solid ladder in in your hands. Do not visualize its color or size or toughness. Just try to feel the touch of it as if it were in your grip.
2. Imagine that you are climbing this thing without actually moving your limbs or for that, any part. Just imagine the force which you use to climb up the ladder.
3. After some time, you should be able to project yourself up into the space and open your astral eyes. However, you will need some sort of practice and you probably can't do at first time.
4. Don't panic if you see any sort of scary things such as ghosts or any other dark creatures. Remember that they are just your imagination and they can't harm you whatsoever.
Method- 3
This method was suggested by Robert Monroe (who coined the term "out of body experience") in his book "Journeys out of the Body" . It sounds little too complicated but, can be attained after a bit of praxis.
1. Start this by having a comfortable position in a gloomy room and remove any jewelry or metal work from your body. Say thyself that you gonna make it easily.
2. Next, try to concentrate on any object in front of your eyes for some time. After the limit, you will be observing certain light patterns before your eyes. This stage is just bordering your sleep and called as hypnagogic state (condition A)
3. Deepen this thought by observing these light patterns more passively. These light patterns indicate neural impulses. They are not important so, ignore them. This stage is called Condition B.
4. Further deepening will make your body unmovable and you feel rested (not of tiredness) and will notice nothing except the pitch black. You will be in a state where you can't sense anything and your thoughts would be blank. This is called condition C.
5. Condition D can be attained by further assiduousness. You will not be able to move any of your parts though you wish to do so (don't try too hard as it may distract you). You will be able to lift your body with ease and thus you get lifted-up.
Though these methods sound cool, they can't be done at a single stroke. However, meditation and Yoga can help you to get the results soon. Wish you to a have a jolly out of body experience.
2. Next, try to concentrate on any object in front of your eyes for some time. After the limit, you will be observing certain light patterns before your eyes. This stage is just bordering your sleep and called as hypnagogic state (condition A)
3. Deepen this thought by observing these light patterns more passively. These light patterns indicate neural impulses. They are not important so, ignore them. This stage is called Condition B.
4. Further deepening will make your body unmovable and you feel rested (not of tiredness) and will notice nothing except the pitch black. You will be in a state where you can't sense anything and your thoughts would be blank. This is called condition C.
5. Condition D can be attained by further assiduousness. You will not be able to move any of your parts though you wish to do so (don't try too hard as it may distract you). You will be able to lift your body with ease and thus you get lifted-up.
Though these methods sound cool, they can't be done at a single stroke. However, meditation and Yoga can help you to get the results soon. Wish you to a have a jolly out of body experience.