Is traveling through time possible?
From a hilarious toddler to a silver-haired decrepit, time travel often summons them with great awe. Movies and books added their fire to this though. Its kinda cool stuff- But is this really possible?
Time travel had remained as a science fiction forage until 20th century. Physicists never scoffed off this onerous stuff and worked in the way of untangling down this fascinating time jaunt. It duly changed in course with the discovery of "Theory General Relativity" by Einstein. It unveils that space and time do not exist independently rather they are correlative in nature. We are cognizant of three dimensions- height, width and depth. It should not be put out of our mind that time controls them as they control time.
To travel in time, we need to exploit the real time i.e, space-time continuum. We travel in time everyday and every moment measuring it in the form of seconds, minutes and hours. In fact, this is not the scenario as time is not constant throughout the universe. It changes with the gravitational force of the celestial object (though there is no much difference for smaller celestial bodies like planets, satellites). I have traveled 1 year since the last year as same as you i.e, we travel this minute at a speed of 1 minute per every minute.
I'll explain this more clearly. There are two methods to travel in this fourth dimension of course, both of them can take us forward to future only. The time we and the space-walking astronauts experience is not same. It varies slightly. This is due to the gravitational force of Earth which creates distortion in the space and tend time to run slower (this effect is called as gravitational dilation effect). In a day's time, if we are able to achieve a time jaunt of 2 or more days, we indeed, are traveling in the future.
Travel by creating distortions :
Einstein defined gravity as a distortion created in the space-time continuum. According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, every body in the space is either attracted or repelled by the other. If this works for the space, certainly, this gravitational force should come into picture in case of time too. Time may not be a great deal in case of planets but, when highly distorting spatial structures such as black holes are considered, this fourth dimension surely is. As Black holes are tremendous sources of gravity, they create distortion to such a great level that time even stops at some points called points of singularity (though traveling through these points is not possible).
A large amount of energy (even matter) is used to create a colossal distortion in the space-time continuum, popularly called worm hole can achieve our purpose. Consider two points on a piece of paper, at the end points. If we were asked to find the shortest distance, we obviously draw a straight line joining these points. But, this is not the shortest. We can bend the edges of paper in a curved position that distance would be more shorter. Exactly, this is the principle entailed behind. The creation of worm holes require prodigious energy and above all, we are incapable of producing such energy- it's a major flaw (Perhaps, this can be made possible with Anti-matter).
Time travel by larger speeds
Another fascinating theory of Einstein called the special theory of relativity states that we can dance through time at protractive speeds if we travel at a speed nearly equal to that of light (which is very high when compared to achievable speed). Imagine if we travel at a speed nearly equal to that of light say, 99.5% of the speed of light, then, we can advance 5 years in 1 year. If it continues at the same rate, say you started your time travel when you are 20 and traveled for five years, your classmates would become grannies or grandpas and still your age would be just 25 ! However, this theory did not turn to be very well as those speeds can't be effectuated. Whatsoever, we cannot rule out this thesis completely as with the upcoming latest technology, it may be possible. We may not be able to achieve 5:1 ratios but, we may attain much lesser.
Time travel through the past?
We may descry this phenomena every day. Wondered? It surely should. The nearest star to our Earth is around 4 light years far and if distant galaxies are contemplated, we perceive the light from those stars which are millions of light years farther. That means, the positions we observe today actually, are that old which indirectly depicts that we see our past everyday. Can't we do more better than this?
If you probably travel to the past and stop you mom and dad meeting each other, you will not have existed ! Unlike future travel, voyaging through the past is not facile and even our present day science phenomena don't explain this. There is also a thesis which says that we might creep into past if we can attain speeds greater than that of light which is impossible for anything. Theoretically, warping technology crosses the hardships but, it may not guarantee results and remain unproductive.
If were able to spawn faster speeds and develop advanced space
propulsion technology, we probably can physicists crunching down new numbers.
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Time travel- A Question since ancient times |
Time travel had remained as a science fiction forage until 20th century. Physicists never scoffed off this onerous stuff and worked in the way of untangling down this fascinating time jaunt. It duly changed in course with the discovery of "Theory General Relativity" by Einstein. It unveils that space and time do not exist independently rather they are correlative in nature. We are cognizant of three dimensions- height, width and depth. It should not be put out of our mind that time controls them as they control time.
To travel in time, we need to exploit the real time i.e, space-time continuum. We travel in time everyday and every moment measuring it in the form of seconds, minutes and hours. In fact, this is not the scenario as time is not constant throughout the universe. It changes with the gravitational force of the celestial object (though there is no much difference for smaller celestial bodies like planets, satellites). I have traveled 1 year since the last year as same as you i.e, we travel this minute at a speed of 1 minute per every minute.
I'll explain this more clearly. There are two methods to travel in this fourth dimension of course, both of them can take us forward to future only. The time we and the space-walking astronauts experience is not same. It varies slightly. This is due to the gravitational force of Earth which creates distortion in the space and tend time to run slower (this effect is called as gravitational dilation effect). In a day's time, if we are able to achieve a time jaunt of 2 or more days, we indeed, are traveling in the future.
Travel by creating distortions :
Einstein defined gravity as a distortion created in the space-time continuum. According to Newton's law of universal gravitation, every body in the space is either attracted or repelled by the other. If this works for the space, certainly, this gravitational force should come into picture in case of time too. Time may not be a great deal in case of planets but, when highly distorting spatial structures such as black holes are considered, this fourth dimension surely is. As Black holes are tremendous sources of gravity, they create distortion to such a great level that time even stops at some points called points of singularity (though traveling through these points is not possible).
A large amount of energy (even matter) is used to create a colossal distortion in the space-time continuum, popularly called worm hole can achieve our purpose. Consider two points on a piece of paper, at the end points. If we were asked to find the shortest distance, we obviously draw a straight line joining these points. But, this is not the shortest. We can bend the edges of paper in a curved position that distance would be more shorter. Exactly, this is the principle entailed behind. The creation of worm holes require prodigious energy and above all, we are incapable of producing such energy- it's a major flaw (Perhaps, this can be made possible with Anti-matter).
Time travel by larger speeds
Another fascinating theory of Einstein called the special theory of relativity states that we can dance through time at protractive speeds if we travel at a speed nearly equal to that of light (which is very high when compared to achievable speed). Imagine if we travel at a speed nearly equal to that of light say, 99.5% of the speed of light, then, we can advance 5 years in 1 year. If it continues at the same rate, say you started your time travel when you are 20 and traveled for five years, your classmates would become grannies or grandpas and still your age would be just 25 ! However, this theory did not turn to be very well as those speeds can't be effectuated. Whatsoever, we cannot rule out this thesis completely as with the upcoming latest technology, it may be possible. We may not be able to achieve 5:1 ratios but, we may attain much lesser.
Time travel through the past?
We may descry this phenomena every day. Wondered? It surely should. The nearest star to our Earth is around 4 light years far and if distant galaxies are contemplated, we perceive the light from those stars which are millions of light years farther. That means, the positions we observe today actually, are that old which indirectly depicts that we see our past everyday. Can't we do more better than this?
If you probably travel to the past and stop you mom and dad meeting each other, you will not have existed ! Unlike future travel, voyaging through the past is not facile and even our present day science phenomena don't explain this. There is also a thesis which says that we might creep into past if we can attain speeds greater than that of light which is impossible for anything. Theoretically, warping technology crosses the hardships but, it may not guarantee results and remain unproductive.
If were able to spawn faster speeds and develop advanced space
propulsion technology, we probably can physicists crunching down new numbers.