Area 51- a UFO Base?
After years of silence, insiders divulges the secrets of Nevada's area-51 to reveal the existence of most cloak-and-dagger place in this world. For decades, this US base had proven to be a magnet for controversies, conspiracy theories and enthusiasts. There is a wide talk-say all around the world that this place is a sanctum for military secrets, alien research, spy planes, underground tunnels etc... But what's the fact? Was the secret revealed 40 years prior to CIA's spill?
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area 51- the secret place |
Groom Lake-revealed in 1974?
Yeah. The photographs taken by Skylab astronauts Gerald Carr, Edward Gibson and William Pogue (they were the last crew of astronauts sent through Skylab) will certainly answer yes. This begs a question "why were these photographs not revealed for many years?" The reason might be the compliance between NASA and US intelligence that the photographs have to be examined by National Photographic Interpretation Center in Washington D.C.
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Photograph of groom lake by Skylab (1974) |
The memo released by William E. Corby, director of CIA in 1974 reveals the fact. It clearly states the photographs should not be disclosed. Here is the statement from that memo
"The issue arises from the fact that the recent Skylab mission inadvertently photographed the airfield at Groom Lake. There are specified instructions not to do this"
This alone shows that CIA is aware of the secret place then. If there were no secrets, why would it do it?
The recent document released by CIA "The Central Intelligence Agency and Overhead Reconnaissance: the U-2 & Oxcart Programs" (was released in accordance to the freedom of information act (US) to the George Washington University in 2005) states that area 51 is a desert tract near Groom Lake which acts as a testing place for U-2 planes and also for training pilots in 1955. Later it was used to test Lockhead A-12 Oxcart, F-117 Stealth Fighter. But, the document fails to reveal about the base after 1974.
UFO's and Aliens are real- says ex-scientist of area 51
Boyd Bushman, a former scientist of area 51 who had a prolific career of 40 years as a scientist in reverse engineering revealed the facts about the super -secret research just before his death. HE won numerous patents in engineering and did a great job in the development of surface to air Stinger missile. He shared his experiences with Mark Q. Patterson, an aerospace engineer near Las Vegas which includes some photographs and video proofs.
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Alien photo shown by Bushman |
He also vouchsafed that the aliens were not new to the area. The aliens who work there are from a planet named Quintumnia. They are grey, humanoid in appearance with contrasting eyes and their height doesn't exceed 5 feet. They used saucer-shaped aircraft which is 38 feet in diameter and communicate by telepathy. (There is also n unofficial information that there was an interview in the base there)
It is evident that area 51 is an easy prey for conspiracies since it was a military base in 1955 and later turned to a research center. The acknowledgement of area 51 in 2013 by Barack Obama brought back its glitz to powwow again. Perhaps, US government doesn't want its citizens to get worried. Infact, the primary question is that if that's the case why the government doesn't accept it officially though the world knows it unofficially?
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