Do Aliens Really Exist? - The Mystique

Do Aliens Really Exist?


Our planet, Earth is known to support 84 lakh(8.4 million) forms of life. There are 8 other planets in our Solar System revolving around Sun. Sun is so gigantic that 13 lakh(1.3 million) Earths can be fitted inside it. Scientists believe that there may be at least a trillion planets in our Milky Way. There are many such Milky Ways in Universe. So do you think life exist only on Earth? Do aliens really exist?

Aliens are referred as creatures from outer space. Many scientists believe the existence of extraterrestrial life.  Even the world’s renowned scientist Stephen Hawking believes the existence of aliens. Scientists believe that the sustainable conditions of extra terrestrial forms may be different. Some people could not believe in the existence of aliens because there is a firm belief that could be compared to human beings. As there are a trillion planets in our galaxy, any one of the planets may support life. It is highly vacuous to think that we are alone in this universe.

  UFO crash at Roswell 
Roswell incident was reported in news

 We are highly obsessed with alien movies and books. But there are many evidences which show that aliens and UFOs [Unidentified Flying Object] exist. Kenneth Arnold, a private pilot saw a deluge of unidentified objects of doughnut shape flying in space on 24th June, 1947. This incident was referred as “the beginning of modern era of UFOs.” However, solid evidences for this incident were not found. The incident in Roswell, New Mexico on July 4, 1947 allured the heed of the world. The local people found debris of a crashed UFO and dead bodies of some aliens. These were captured allegedly by US military forces. They reported that it was a weather balloon. But in 1978, it was unveiled to be a UFO. Later, there were many incidents spotted and many UFOs were captured in cameras. In Belgium, between 1989 November to 1990 April, there were 143 evidences who reported the sightings of black triangular shaped unidentified objects. NASA’s rover ‘Curiosity’ captured a sight of a UFO on Mars.

The astronauts of Apollo 11 reported sight of 3 unidentified objects which was kept as a secret by NASA for many years. Many people reported that they were abducted by aliens but most of the cases were found to be false. It is hearsay that US conducts its secret research on aliens at Area 51.

There were many epitaphs of unidentified objects in history. Since Lemurian civilization (the oldest civilization known), there are evidences of Earth being visited by extraterrestrial civilization. Interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian civilizations speak about the visitors from extraterrestrial life.  “The Madonna with Saint Giovannini” painted in the
15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio gives the view of an object which is in close resemblance with a UFO. The pyramids of Giza are in perfect alignment with 3 stars in Orien constellation which depicts that Egyptians are aware of extraterrestrial life. There are many other epitaphs which mention about the existence of aliens.

Painting of Madonna showing
 an UFO 

The nearest star to our planet is at a distance of 4 light years. If it is supposed that these beings are from other constellations, it draws a question “How these beings are able to travel such large distance?” There are many other questions yet to be answered. They might be technically superior to us. Perhaps, we are not alone in this vast universe.