Tutankhamun: The Lost Pharaoh of Egypt - The Mystique

Tutankhamun: The Lost Pharaoh of Egypt


           Tutankhamun (ruled from 1332-1323B.C) is probably the most famous Pharaoh in the antiquity of Egypt though he ruled Egypt for just 8 years. His name was eliminated from the Pharaohs of 18th dynasty along with his successor Ay. Tutankhamun rested in darkness for nearly 3000 years and it was, in 1922 John Carter, a famous archaeologist who brought Tutankhamun to limelight by discovering his intact tomb in the valley of kings during his excavations. Tutankhamun’s tomb has held millions of awe since its discovery.  His life and death has been always an unravel mystery since its discovery.

          Mummy of Tutankamun


         Tutankhamun was born to Egyptian pharaoh Ahenaten and one his secondary wives Liya in 1342B.C and became the 12th king of 18th Egyptian dynasty. His reign was referred as “new kingdom” by the Egyptian history. His actual name was Tutankhaten which mean “the direct image of Aten”(Aten represents Egyptian god Ra(Sun)). He later changed his name to Tutankhamun Hekaiunushema which mean “the direct image of Amun and ruler of Upper Heliopolis”(Amun is a local god Thebes who is the god of wind & also the god of gods). He was married to one of his sisters Ankhesentaten (who later changed her name to Ankhensamun). Egyptian kings marry their sisters to keep their royal blood pure. He built many monuments and projects along with temple of god Amum and tried to improve the turmoil condition during his father’s reign. Later he died at an early age of 18.


         There are many rumours persisting with the death of this young king. Many archaeologists believe that he was murdered deliberately for power and some believe it is accidental. A hole in his head with a blood clot indicates that he was hit hard by a blunt weapon.   Moreover, his ribs were severely damaged and his leg was broken. This gives strength to the theory that he was murdered in a battle.  His body was charred in the tomb which posits that the tomb was made for someone else. His tomb is made of three coffins, two made of wood and other of thick Gold. If there is a fire accident, there should be at least some burnt marks on the wood. It is a wonder that the linen cap worn by the king on his cleanly shaved head was left unburnt. The CT scan results in 2005 showed that the broken ribs and leg is true but there are high chances that he was not murdered but he died in an accident. They predicted that he might have dead by a strong blow of his horse. But, the reasons for his death are still vague.


Since, the discovery of his tomb, there were many strange deaths which strengthens the point that there was a curse by Tutankhamun.
Ø When it was discovered, John Carter found a plate that the person who tries to open the tomb of Tutankhamun would face mysterious deaths. John Carter died just in 5 months after the discovery.
Ø He was presented a Canary just 10 days before the discovery. It was said that the canary brings luck to him. To his belief, he found the tomb of Tutankhamun just after 10 days. But, when he entered the pyramid, his Canary was killed by a cobra. Moreover, Cobra is rare in Egypt that too in winter season.
Ø Many archaeologists who entered the pyramid along with John Carter died of heart attacks. Even before the discovery, the people who tried to exploit the treasures of this young pharaoh died.
Ø A scientist declared before the press that it was not a curse but the deaths are due to a fatal virus. But, he died the following day in a car accident. This strengthens the existence of curse.

      Relics of many art crafts during his time were preserved in a museum at Cairo. His tomb was preserved in the valley of kings and many tourists visit his tomb every year. Though Tutankhamun was provided no place in the antiquity of Egyptian pharaohs, his name remained as a testimonial with golden words in the history of the world.