Is there any relationship between Lincoln's and Kennedy's Deaths? - The Mystique

Is there any relationship between Lincoln's and Kennedy's Deaths?


              John.F.Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln are one of the all time best leaders of United States of America, in fact world. There is a saying that some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have a greatness thirst on them. These two leaders are born great, did great deeds and remain as immortals in the hearts of people. The instances in the lives of the sixteenth and the thirty fifth presidents have a profusion of kinship and surprisingly even in their assassinations. Is there any relationship between their lives?

Some of the resemblances are:
1. Both Lincoln and Kennedy were elected to congress in 46'. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846. 
Kennedy was elected to Congress in 1946.


2. Lincoln and Kennedy became presidents in 60'.
Lincoln won the presidential elections in 1860 and inaugurated in 1861 where Kennedy won the elections in 1960 and inauguration was done in 1961.
3. Both of them were assassinated in the presence of their   wives.

4. Both Lincoln and Kennedy have 7 letters in their names.
5. Both of them were shot on Fridays and on the back of their heads.
6. Both their vice presidents and successors were southern Democrats with their last names Johnson.
Lincoln was succeeded by Andrew Johnson.
Kennedy was succeeded by Lyndon Johnson.

7. Both Johnsons were born in 08'.
Andrew Johnson was born in 1808.
Lyndon Johnson was born in 1908.
8. Both of them fought for Civil rights.
9. Lincoln was shot in a theater named Ford.
Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln made by Ford.

10.Both assassins John Wilkes Booth(Lincoln) and Lee Harvey Oswald(Kennedy), by their names have 15 letters.
11. Booth and Oswald were killed before facing the trials.
12.Their wives lost their children while living in the White House. 
William Vallace Lincoln died in 1862.
Pattrick Bouvier Kennedy died in 1963.
13. John C. Breckenridge was succeeded by Lincoln and Richard Nixon by Kennedy. Surprisingly, both of them were incumbent Vice presidents. 
14. Their deaths were associated with theater and warehouse. 
Booth shot Lincoln in a theater and ran to a warehouse.
Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and ran to a theater.

15. It is said that Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln. 
(There was no proof that Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy. However, Kennedy had a secretary named Evelyn Lincoln).

16. Both the Johnsons who succeeded them had mothers whose names end up with Hannah.
17.  Booth and Oswald were born in late 30's (1830's and  1930's) and their age was in mid-20's during assassinations. 
18. Before the assassination, Lincoln was in Monroe, Maryland while Kennedy was in Marlin Monroe.
            From these resemblances, born a bunch of rumors showing their resemblances. It of high surprise that two great lives had seen many odd similarities. However, these incidents may be coincidence, but grabbed the attention of this world.   

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