Are We Questioning Our Own Future by Endangering Species? - The Mystique

Are We Questioning Our Own Future by Endangering Species?


         Long time ago, when Human Beings originated, the heart of  Mother Earth was filled with ecstasy that she gave birth to the most intelligent species. But she doesn't know that this end up in the extinction of her children. Approximately we are missing one of the species for every 30 minutes. This is no gag, but the diabolical nature of humans result in this woeful statistics.
          Most of the species endangered are due to human beings. Some species are hunted extensively and indirectly many other species defunct due to ecological imbalance. All the species mentioned below are listed in the Red Books and are advancing swiftly towards extinction. These are only a few of the species which are approaching alarms of extinction.

 Here are the top ten most endangered species: 

             This tear-shaped giant turtle has a leather, rubbery shell unlike other turtles with less than 1500 numbers remaining, these species stand at the edge of extinction. The main reason for their extinction is excessive hunting. Their eggs are theft by locals for food. Marine wastes also stand as enemies to their lives. They think plastic debris as Jelly fishes (their main source of food) and end up killing their own lives. Costa Rica and Mexico offered legal protection to these turtles. 

             Found in the deserts of Central and East Asia, the future of these two-humped camels remain uncertain due to mining and establishment of industries in their habitats. Their number dwindled from 800 in October 2002 to 600 in 2007 (EDGE report). With the help of Wild Protection Camel Foundation (WPCF), governments of China and Mongolia are taking steps to prevent their extinction.

            Since the systematic study of their population in 1987, their numbers were always in subsided state. They are very closely related to humans and also very adroit ones. It is estimated that not more than 200-250 species remain on this earth. This is due to the barbarous nature of the hunters. Nearly about 3 football pitches of area are cut per minute resulting in making these innocent creatures homeless. Their numbers also abate due to a disease called Ebola. IUCN has listed them as most endangered species in African Apes. Totems also extended their support to protect these human relatives.

           Vaquita is rarest and smallest of the porpoise family (whales, sharks, dolphins etc..). It also rare in cetaceans. Their habitat is found only near the Gulf of California.It is estimated that there are less than 300 Vaquitas left in the wild. The bereavement of these species is mainly due to fishing their prey. Moreover, their multiplication is sluggish. They are losing lives also due to fishing nets set up for sharks. However, Mexican government has taken steps to prevent their extinction.

           This dusky grey colored beast is immensely rare in the Rhino family,which is endangered mainly due to hunting for their horns (each horn can cost at least $100,000 in the black market). Long time ago, these were found even in India and other South-east Asian countries, but now they pertain only to Java. They are as less as 50 found only in protected areas. Dwindling of these species is mainly due to catastrophes, change in their breeding habitats. Steps have been taken to restore their numbers.

         This stocky black robust baleen creature is critically endangered due to hunting. Marine wastes and disposed fishing nets also contribute to this. They can grow to a length of 45-55 feet and weigh 70 tons. At present, their number does not exceed than 50. Hunting these whales was a practice in the Soviet Union until it was found that there number is below the critical level. In 1949, International Convention of Regulation Whaling (ICRW) has prevented commercial whaling. Northern Right Whale Recovery Team (NRWRT) was established in 1987 to recover their number.

          Found near the Amur River, these incredible cats are on the verge of extinction. These creatures are probably rarest of all the cat family. They can leap to a height of 10 feet vertically and about 20 feet horizontally. Forest fires and hunting subside them to a number less than 45. Their alluring hides and claws have a great commercial value. They even have a great medicinal value due to which they become a target for illegal hunters. They share their habitat with Amur tigers which are also endangered due to their hunting. It is great news that Russia is trying to improve their number by setting up a national park.

         This arboreal and nocturnal creature is highly pertained to the forests of northern most Madagascar. Their count is roughly in between 20-25 in wild. The main risk to their life is deforestation. As they are highly tree-living, they could not sustain these conditions. In consequence, their hunting has been increased as they are not officially protected. Many protected regions have been arranged and increase in their number is satisfactory over last 2-3 years.

         There is not much hope of protecting these giant Rhinos and their number is only four. Countdown has begun for their extinction. Long time ago, they were found in hundreds in Czech Republic and Kenya. Hunting for their meat and horns resulted in this critical situation. They are now protected at Ol Pejeta park in Kenya.

1. BAIJI:- 
       Known as "The Godess of Yanktze", this grey dolphin is found to be critically endangered. Their number may be less than three and even they may be extinct by now. It was last sighted in September 2007 and fisherman report that they can be seen very rarely. Excessive hunting is the main cause for their decrease in number. At present, the sighting of a Baiji is extremely rare as there is not even a protected area for these creatures. 

        The above details indicate that humans are responsible for the extinction of these animals. Not only these, many species of animals such as Panda, Siberian tiger, Asian elephant, Orangutan etc. and many birds are at the edge of extinction. It is highly sorrowful that one species of either animals or birds is becoming extinct while reading this blog. As humans, there is a need to atone our mistake by protecting them. Also, it stands as a symbol for humanity. If we neglect this, it is obvious that we are questioning our own future. What do you think?

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