Top 10 Ephialtic Monsters of the Pre-Historic Age - The Mystique

Top 10 Ephialtic Monsters of the Pre-Historic Age


We have come to know about Dinosaurs, one of the pre-historic monsters, thanks to Jurassic Park series. But, ancient world is a profuse of such ephialtic creatures which you don't want to imagine in your worst nightmares. Paleontologists strived hard to unveil the secrets of these beings. Below is the list of these terrible monsters.

10. Gigantopithecus:-

Gigantopithecus, which can be considered as the king kong of pre-historic age is the largest of ape family to have their burgeon in the borders of India and Nepal. These heavy apes which were almost 10 feet tall and weighing atleast 500 kg ruled this entire region during the Pleistocene period (9 million years ago). A very strong molar set helped them to crush any sort of trees. It was also found that they used to eat even small insects and seeds. Though the reasons for their extinction are vague, paleontologists believe that they dwindled because of early human race and climatic changes. Some of them believe that these creatures still exist on the borders of India and Nepal ( called Yeti).


They belonged to Entelodon family which  probably roamed the regions of Eurasia and North America before 15 million years. They had a more close resemblance to a boar rather than to a bull. They might have roamed in large groups killing with a blood - thirsty violence, making their prey to  trepidate with fear. Though they had a deadly strong physique, they are not very intelligent beings (the size of their brain approximately equals the size of an apple). They became extinct after ruling for 9 million years due to other strong creatures that flourished during those years.   

8. Epicyon:-

As the name indicates, these dogs are well known for crushing bones of their prey. Perhaps of all the canid family, these creatures are the strongest and fatal (These dogs belonged to Borophaginae sub-family). They were almost incessant during the Permian period and ruled the regions of North America for 15 million years. They became extinct during  the take up of Triassic period, possibly because of the climatic conditions and also the rise of Xenosmilus cats. Fossil remains can be seen mostly  in Texas, Mexico, Alberta and Florida.

7.  Fang toothed fish:-

Fang toothed fish (belonging to the family Anopoglastridae), the submerged death angel, is considered as one of the most lethal creatures on this Earth. Fossils of these fish reveal that they had a excruciating teeth, which can have an intensity of 1550 kg per square centimeter (highest of all creatures calculated).  Research tell us that they can grow to an enormous length of 30 feet! They scintillated probably during Permian period and became extinct for reasons unknown.  

6. Madtsoia:-

These snaky creatures belonging to the serpent class are godfathers of Anaconda as they had a strong muscular body which can squeeze down very large creatures, even dinosaurs. They existed on this Earth before 45 million years and had their primary diet as Dinosaurs. The fossil remains are not found completely, but indicate that they can grow to a huge size ( as large as 70 feet and even weigh at least 1.5 tons !) overtaking  Anaconda is said have a length of 10 feet and a weigh 400 kgs ) . Sustenance of these reptiles during the rule of Dinosaurs explain about their uttermost skill in hunting. Their culture was in acme in the South American grasslands, Africa and Madagascar. 

5. Purussarus:- 

Purussarus ( belonging to the family Alligatoridae), the king of crocodilians gives us a view that they really originate out of hell! Fossil remains tell that they might have existed before 8 million years. They are almost 8 times as large as humans (in length) and almost weighed 12-15 tons. These creatures are very blood-sucking that they wiped off all the aquatic life during their realm. Above image shows its size relative to human beings. They had a very robust tooth, which can impact an enormous teeth force of  1000 kg per square centimeter !


This saber-toothed cat had its reign during pre-historic age and is estimated to weigh 225-250 kg.  Though it seems like an incarnation of the today's African lions, these flesh-ripping monsters are far more powerful. They  had aculeate teeth which can pierce through the bones of most strongest bones. Their powerful hind legs gave them extra power to run fast along with their fore limbs, which gives ease to give deadly reflexes. Reasons for their extinction are highly unclear as lifestyle of these cats is not well-known.  

3. Azhdarchid:-

Almost with wings of 20 feet long and a height of 10 meters, this Pterosaurian bird surely ruins the pants of any animal with fear. Though they have giant looks, they have a very less relative weight facilitating their stocky and swamped bodies to fly. They fed on their prey mostly by aerial hunting giving glimpses of a behemoth hawk. Wing remains show that they can fly at speeds ranging from 170- 180 kph. They might have survived on this planet before 80 million years.

2.  Megalodon:-

With a length upto 60 feet and a weight of 50 tons, this shark is surely a death God for any creature. It is the largest of all the species of Lamnidae family (also called as Otodontidae family). They almost lived in all the oceans covering the deeper regions of Eastern Pacific, Australia and Atlantic oceans and have a clear morphological resemblance with the 'great white shark' (now endangered species) mostly in dental parts. They had sustained before 1.5 million years and probably dwindled due to decrease in the availability of prey and change in temperatures of oceans.

1. Spinosaurus:-

It is the largest of all the known land animals (belongs to the family spinosauridae) which are claimed have their existence before 100 million years. We don't have much remains of this giant dino as most of them were destroyed during second world war. With an enormous height ranging from 40-50 feet and a weight of 25 tons (approximately), this dino expunged many of the land animals (including other dinosaurs). Scientific studies showed that they dislike to move in groups truly depending on their intelligence (They are one of the most intelligent dinosaurs). They became extinct due to changes in climatic conditions.

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