How to do Telepathy?
Whenever somebody speaks about Telepathy, most
of us remember would ponder about Professor X of X-Men series immediately
followed by a question "Is it possible?" Yeah, absolutely. Telepathy
is one of the most intriguing mind
over matter games (some of them are Telekinesis,
Pyrokinesis, Clairvoyance, Precognition etc.) which involve Extra Sensory
Perception (ESP) (ESP is communication between two people without the
involvement of five senses). Telepathy can comprehend feelings, thoughts,
emotions and even some times images. This is not exactly a contemporary one.
According to religious texts, telepathy was in practice during ancient times
(it is a practice mentioned in Vedas, Judo-Christian traditions, Islam etc.).
It is scientifically proven that it is the most common phenomenon during our
Telepathy- How it works?
The exact mechanism behind telepathy is still vague. Scientists could give a possible explanation that telepathy is a process of exchanging electromagnetic energy between two beings. When a profound thought occur, our neurons accumulate electromagnetic energy and then when we try to transmit it to other person, the EM energy is released to reach that person. The largest thread of mystery behind this theory is that it could not explain how can the information reach only the specified person. It might be that its possible as the receiver is cognizant that he is going to receive some information, his brain may catch the EM waves from that of the transmitter's (yes, the receiver should know that he is going to receive some information).
How to do it?
There are copious techniques to practice Telepathy. Of them, this is the most facile one.
Step 1:
Have a peaceful mind. Sit in an idle
place where you will not be perturbed by anything (room, park, mountain etc.).
Think positively that you gonna do this. Negative thinking may prevent you from
reaching your target. Concentration is the key to your success. Do a breathing
exercise couple of times or for that matter any sort of perspective relaxation
methods. This is required to energize your mind so that it can produce strong
EM energy from your energy and psychosomatic (astral)
bodies. (however, you can do some light physical exercises which can
ease you)
Step 2:
1. Now, visualize the receiver in
your mind as if he is 1-2 feet away from you. Feel him. You can take a look at
his photograph before closing your eyes as this will help you to visualize him
properly. Connect your thoughts with that person with all your feelings
involved so that you can send precise information to him.
2. Now, imagine a tunnel between you
(your favorite color should be imagined for extraordinary results). A tunnel is
a channel that would help you to pass your message. I say you once again that
optimistic belief is a paramount factor. However, if you feel difficulties in
achieving visualization of tunnel, you can just think that you are having a
conversation with him.
3. A telepathic message will travel
faster a light ray! As a result, emotions play a key role in sending your
message. In fact, they decide to start or stop further conversation. In many
cases, lack of emotional charge in your expression will fail the result.
Consequently, don't strain your mind too to generate efficacious emotions. You
always need to stay relaxed and composed.
Step 3:
At some time (maybe few seconds or
minutes), you will know that the message had reached. If you could not do that
in 15 minutes, it would be better to stop and try at a later time (your mind
would be exhausted in doing so by that time). You may need to repeat this
process many times in order to become an adept. Also, remember that no distance
can stop you to send a telepathic message (in a recent experiment, there was a
successful telepathic communication between persons who were 4,500 miles
apart!). Constant practice will help you to deliver you message with astounding
precision and clarity.
Recent experiments have revealed
that even animals can perform telepathy (this may be the reason why animals
like dogs behave to your thoughts). It would be an incredible journey to
experience telepathic experiences. So, why stop, just give a try. Best of luck!