The Secret of Life - The Mystique

The Secret of Life




             I have a twin brother. He never left me in my distress and also encouraged me when I reached dizzying heights of success. We never part, except for the college time...................

                 Years passed by. 20...30...40...50...60...70. Things were happy. We remained same as the past. All of a sudden, out of misunderstanding, we fought with each other. I apologized to him later, but he never listened. My ego stopped me for convincing him. My heart begged me to convince, but I bowed down to my ego. Unknowingly, a tear rolled onto my cheek. Rubbing it, I left with determination that I needn't talk to him.

Then, it happened....

                 One day, I reached heavens. My soul left my body. To my surprise, when my brother was informed on my death, he cried, cried and cried so much that he had no tears left. His red eyes were as if they need to borrow more. He bawled out loudly “You have never left me, but today, why did you leave me alone? I always love your company and never rejected it. Why did you go alone? Why? Watching the scene from skies, unknowingly, I broke down. Tears had already started to wet my face and dress.

Things began to flash in my mind......

                 We used to tease each other, we used to fight, play, celebrate and also cry together. People used to say, “These brothers are unbeatable. We can’t beat them we are on same side.” “I am there brother, drop everything on me,” he said, when my girl departed. We celebrated when he became the youngest CEO of a multinational company. “Brother!” I shouted. The screams of mine reverberated to the ends of heaven.

                 My thoughts were disturbed when I was pushed into a line. God was allotting the people their next lives. Then, it was my turn. He gave me some place, but I was no longer bothered. I had already started to plead Him to be born as the brother of my brother. I pleaded and pleaded.......but my pleas were unfruitful. He said that his decision was done and it can’t be changed. I felt as if He were jealous of us.

                 I regretted. But, it can’t be helped. I am helpless. “Brother!” my heart shouted.


                 Life is so short that we don’t have time to fight with each other. It is so short that we can’t waste time hating each other. We will know the value of a person only when we lose them. Never regret like me. We cannot stop death. So, as long as we live, keep your beloved happy. Remember that they belong to us just in this one life.


                 I woke up with a scream. Thank God! It was a dream!  And, I wish that it should be the same.

                 I gave a deep hug to my lovely brother. He didn’t understand it. He just said, “Brother! It’s time for your college. I gave a thin smile & my heart said, “I will never leave you, brother!”

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