25 Phobias You Will Be Glad You Don't Have them - The Mystique

25 Phobias You Will Be Glad You Don't Have them


      An overwhelming and unreasonable fear for a situation, activity, person or an object that do not actually poses a real danger can be called a phobia. In the event of exposure to such events, the person imagines an exaggerating danger and develops an irrational anxiety trying to compel the subject of fear completely. Most of the phobias do not greatly affect the people, some of them are inane, weird, surprising but some are really terrifying. Cutting to the chase, here is the list of 25 most bizarre and unbearable phobias in the world. You will be glad you don't have them!

25. Venustraphobia- the fear of beautiful women:
Bah! Are they crazy? Who does't want a pretty woman? Indeed. It is weird, but this kinda phobia exist. Men with this phobia literally freaks out when they see a beautiful woman and avoid women walking their way. Low self image and confidence or taking much pressure on appearances stems up this phobia.

24. Optophobia-the fear of opening one's eyes:
Optophobia is intense fear of opening their eyes thinking of something that actually do not possess danger. This fear usually is caused by visualizing traumatic incidents, facing them or even thinking of facing them. In the event, Optophobics develop severe stress and apprehension that can even lead to a full blown panic attack.

23. Philophobia-fear of falling in love:
Philophobia is abnormal, persistent fear of being in or falling in love. This phobia is more persistent in women than in men. People with Philophobia tend to avoid emotional involvements and pushes away all the romantic relationships. Oftentimes, this fear is due to the acrimonious events of past or tragic love experiences which greatly affects the quality of life. Moreover, the most worst part of trying to escape love is stop loving themselves and incline to live in solitude. It is believed that Queen Elizabeth-I was a Philophobic.

22. Geliophobia- fear of laughter:
This is another bizarre and rare phobia. There exists some people in this world who are afraid of laughter which is treated as a panacea for all mental ills. This is likely caused because of past bad experiences where person was humiliated, or laughing at inappropriate times or even may be due to genetic predisposition. 

21. Spectrophobia-fear of one's own reflection:
Spectrophobia often referred as Eisoptrophobia is the grisly fear of seeing one's own reflection especially in mirrors. It may arise due to the fear of losing one's perception of beauty, or fear of accepting anomalies like scars which are mnemonics of their bitter past or even due to the fear of seeing someone behind them in the mirror. Pamela Anderson once referred that she freaks out seeing her own refection in the mirror.

20. Epistemophobia- fear of knowledge:
What? This kind of phobia really exists? Unfortunately, yes. People with this phobia chose to remain ignorant and stay in denial of learning new things. They limit their cognitive learning and will do anything to stay away from school, books, newspapers, television and even social engagements. This phobia surely ranks high in the most unbearable phobias of the world.

19. Aichmophobia- fear of sharp objects:
As weird as it sounds, this phobia is the extreme, irrational fear of sharp objects like needles, injections, knives, a pointing finger or even the sharp handle of an umbrella. 

18. Euphobia-fear of good news:
Yeah! You read it correctly, that is good news, not bad news. We know most of us dread bad news, but this is not the case for Euphobics. They instead shuns the good news of any kind! This may be due to their previous disappointing experiences or hence and often try to live in environment that displays negativity. 

17. Neophobia- fear of newness:
It is definitely one of the most bizarre phobias in the world. The people with this phobia act skeptical towards accepting new things or experiences and do not prefer to deal with rest of world in this subject. They do not try new things or break them from routine. This is more common in elderly people than youth and children.

16. Heliophobia- fear of Sun:
The fear of Sun rays can be called Heliophobia. The Heliophobics tend to live shrouded with darkness and would mostly be thought of as vampires or night owls. They have an uncanny fear for sunlight and hence they mostly restrict themselves to their houses during day times behind blackout curtains. 

15. Ephebiphobia- fear of youth:
You find many people around you who have persistent fear of teenagers or adolescents, mostly referred as a psychological fear for youth. People with this phobia move away, lobby against or try to do anything against youth to keep away.

14. Taphephobia- Fear of being buried alive:
People with this phobia has a very serious fear of premature burial, that is they fear of being buried alive in the grave. It is said that the first president of United States of America had this phobia.

13. Sciophobia- Fear of shadows:
Virtually, most of the horror movies portrays one or the other horrific scene by shifting shadows. When this on screen, anxiety shows in real life, it is Sciophobia. People with Sciophobia are afraid of seeing even their own shadow!!

12. Somniphobia- Fear of falling asleep:
Can't even imagine remaining functional without sleep for even a day; this is certainly a horrific phobia to deal with. Sufferers of this phobia relate sleeping in a bed to dying. They try not spending much of their energy during day times to avoid feeling of tiredness. Recurring nightmares or feeling of losing time can trigger this phobia.

11. Phronemophobia-fear of thinking:
This phobia sounds most unreal. If someone is deathly afraid of thinking about something, then how can he make out his life? They are afraid to be left alone occupied with their thoughts and feel that brain reacts different to their thoughts. Imagine having this kind of phobia, afraid of thinking. Scary isn't it?

10. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia-fear of long words:
It is quite ironic to have such a long name for a phobia. This fear is often considered fictional,but indeed this phobia does exist. It doesn't affect daily life as we don't much deal with longer words, but those who have this phobia and have to deal with long words, they do not find it supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

9. Ablutophobia- the fear of bathing, washing, or cleaning:
No offence but it is rather shocking to know that some people fear bathing or even cleaning themselves. This phobia can be traced out easily as long your nose works when you meet people with this phobia. It is common in women and children than in men. The catalyst for this devastating fear would be something related to their past events. This phobia is one of the rarest but can be too extreme. 

8.Ergasiophobia- fear of work:
Looks like a most convenient phobia- Isn't it? The people with phobia shows aversion towards the workplace or doing any sort of manual work. It is one of the most difficult phobias to live in this social world.

7. Chronophobia -fear of passing time:
The irrational and persistent fear of passing time or anything pertaining to the time is called Chronophobia. Sufferers are typically afraid either of how time runs incredibly faster or how time barely passes with every second being an incredible terror.

6. Acousticophobia - fear of sound:
This is scary. Acousticophobes fear the very hearing of sound- it may be buzzing of a bee, rumbling of a thunder, screeching of a vehicle or even the slightest sound and more horribly their own voice. This is actually generated by mind as a protective mechanism as it is linked to the past personal ordeal of their lives. 

5. Haphephobia -Fear of being touched:
There are many debilitating phobias existing in this world and this is not exceptional. People coping with this phobia are afraid of being touched not only by the strangers but also the nearest and dearest. They may even exhibit an overwhelming fear of touching others and this is more when particularly dealing with opposite sex. Many times, this is caused due to the past traumatic experiences or sexual assaults at an early age.

4. Ambulophobia- fear of standing or walking:
Ha! How can they lead their lives without standing or walking? Should they lead their lives in motorized chairs all the time? It is horrible. The very thought of walking or standing would terrorize the sufferers. This phobia is due to the injury in the past or may be a long-term case of vertigo, where he finds himself safer sitting. It affects people from every walks of life, but particularly seen in women than in men. 

3. Cibophobia -fear of food:
If you have a problem with your weight you will definitely envy the  Cibophobics. The thought of food doesn't make their tongues watery, but makes their palms sweaty. They have to live either by avoiding the food and finally dying due to malnutrition or should take bone- chilling tremors for every mouthful. This phobia, if neglected causes severe health problems.

2. Phobophobia- fear of developing a phobia:
Here comes the most ironic phobia, the fear of all fears, and perhaps the fear of this list. This is the inception of fears, a fear within a fear. This is an endless cycle of fear. The risk of developing this phobia is greater in people who already have this phobia. Maybe even the word fear could spark it.

1. Panphobia- fear of everything:
It is arguably, the most bizarre and unbearable phobias in the world. People with this phobia are afraid of something, not sure though, but are scared nonetheless. They tend to be in a trance with delusions of something terrible is going to happen and always try to remain in guard. Wherever he goes, whatever he does, in every walks of his life, his mind is plagued with the sinister thoughts and lives in a trance. The sufferer can eventually end up with hundreds of phobias, thus making him phobic for everything!

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  1. OMG, yes indeed scary.. Thanks for sharing..
    Please do check my post at:




  2. Wow , that's pretty cool, I mean, are there people who are scared those things? That's crazy.. how do you found these info?

    1. Hi Seratonina. Thank you for the comment.
      Indeed, there are some unlucky ones suffering from these kinda phobias. Glad that you liked the post.
