The Mystique: Science
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Proofs that Moon Landings Were Faked

July 16, 1969:   60...50..40...30...20...10...It was the countdown time for Apollo 11. For the first time in history, a mission was made to take mankind boast his ability; to reach our nearest celestial, the moon. Consequently, it stood as the greatest government controversy in the history of the humankind. Why is it so?

                 Let us date back to the times of cold war. There was a prodigious competition between US and USSR, in all aspects. By 1960's, Yuri Gagarin (USSR) accomplished a great feat of being the first person in space. Years later, in 1957, Soviet Union was able to launch Sputnik 1 successfully into the space and later, Laika (dog) was sent by Sputnik 2 to the moon. In this way, USSR excelled US in space technology. This was a great stain on its pride. Later in 1969 July 16, US marked a miraculous triumph by sending man to the moon. After several investigations, there are critics everywhere that it was faked. It is noteworthy that James E. Webb, the top official of NASA resigned just a week before the accomplishment. Why would anyone do that at the verge of remarkable success? Why did Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edward Aldrin resigned just after their return from moon? And also, there are rumors that the murder of 3 astronauts of NASA Grissom, White and Chaffee are somehow related to this (Critics say that they were murdered for the fear of revealing the truths behind Apollo 11).

Here are the proofs that the moon landing was faked.

1. The Wavering Flag

The image clearly shows that the flag planted by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin is rippling in breeze where it is not supposed to as moon doesn't have any atmosphere.

NASA gives explanation that the flag is waving just due to inertia of the impact of planting. And also as the astronauts unfurled the flag from a thin tube, there were ripples, they said. 

2. Van Allen Radiation Belt

At a 1000 miles above the surface of the Earth and extending 25,000 miles furthermore, there exists a thick belt of radiation popularly called as Van Allen radiation belt. The same stands as the major problem for human journey to moon. Inorder to be protected from such heavy radiation, the space vehicle must be coated with tons of lead. Contrarily, Apollo 11 was coated with just an inch of Aluminium!!!

3. No Stars

One of the compelling argument for the moon hoax is that stars couldn't be seen in any of the videos or the images. Antithetically, the visibility of the stars should be better from moon as it contains no clouds. 

The absence of stars can be explained if an ordinary camera is used. The surface of the moon reflects light and also Sun which makes star light uncaptured. But, with the most advanced camera in Apollo 11, this is highly questionable.

4. The Intersecting Shadows

"Usually, sunlight would never cast intersecting shadows," says Ralph Rene, author of NASA mooned America. Furthermore, it is intriguing that the astronaut shines bright in the dark shadows. Investigations reveal that it is possible just by using artificial source of light.

5. The Cross-hairs

An image should have cross-hairs placed at the very front of an image. It was not so in the moon landing images. In many of the pictures taken, they were beneath the photo. This clearly shows that the images were duplicated, edited or doctored after that.

Some claim that NASA printed the photograph on the cross-hairs. If it was so, why would someone leave cross-hairs behind?

6. No Human Landings After 1972

No other country except US have sent a human to moon until 50 years after 1972. US sent a group of astronomers to moon in the period of 1969-72, but stopped later. Why? It is because they realized that its nigh impossible to send a man with that technology. What they did was to just improving their film-making skills.

7. The C-Stone

One of the most controversial thing in images of moon landing gag was a rock with C-mark on it. The mark is so perfect and symmetrical that it is unlikely a natural doing. It is highly rational to think that it was marked by the film crew. However, it is a nonplus that the mark disappeared in the later images revealed by NASA.

8. The Controversial Walk

The video footage of moon landing shows Neil Armstrong walking slowly on the surface of the moon. Recent investigations proved that if the speed of the original footage is doubled, it is as same as walking on the Earth. That means, it can be done by any commoner.

9. Lack of Lunar Crater

This stands as one of the most important evidence in proving this hoax. Whenever a space shuttle lands on the moon, it should create a huge impact crater as lunar dust is just similar to that of volcanic ash. Also, the space vehicles which were launched after that, had left their lunar signatures. It is great to know if Apollo were any exception.

                    From the above, the points are crystal clear that the moon landing was manipulated. Perhaps, this might be the reason that Neil Armstrong never gave a camera interview later. It is obvious that the moon landing was faked just for political reasons and not for anything more.

Know What Your Dreams Mean

                Dream, perhaps is one of the most captivating and intriguing things we experience day-to-day. Every single person on this planet dreams for at least 100 minutes a day. We do experience most our dreams in our deep sleep between 2-5 A.M. A study says that 90% of the people forget their dream when they wake up, while only 5% of the people try to interpret them. Do dreams really have meanings? If so, how to interpret them? 

               To start with, what is a dream? Dreams are like letters from sub-conscious mind to the conscious. More than that, it represents the state of your mind at that time. "A dream is the communication between our conscious mind and our unconscious mind, helping people create wholeness", says Sumber, who studied global dream mythology at Harvard University. 

             Some people believe that a dream is just a "non-sense" of brain's memories. Recent research and investigations makes us believe that they do have a meaning, either simple or complex. Some dreams are hard to interpret while some drives the point straight home. Also, only the person who experiences it can interpret it better than any other. The more the person remembers the dream, the easier it will be to interpret. 

             It is indeed fascinating to know that people of different cultures and regions share some common dreams. Let us look at some of them.

Being chased

This is one of the common and sometimes frightening of all dreams. Being chased represents anxiety, fear or avoidance. Most of the times, they mean that you are running away from your problems. Knowing your pursuer is really important here. If the pursuer is a monster or a beast, it means that you are trying to avoid some issues. Also, the distance between you and your pursuer really matters as that denote the closeness or gaining of problem over you.


This is also a common and ever engrossing dream which falls under lucid dreams. In this type of dreams, we can partially control the flight when we realize that we are dreaming. Everything depends on how you fly; primarily representing the control of your emotions. If you are flying by gaining altitude, it may represent a boom on your confidence levels while instability in flying represents a fluctuation in your confidence or emotions. They can also represent power and freedom.


Sometimes, you may climb a cliff, building or any other elevation and suddenly fall from there. This represents your lack of control over situations or high insecurity. If you fall from a height without climbing, that denotes that you experience a failure after reaching a fair amount of success. To interpret this, explore the thing which is causing you insecurity.

Nude or Naked dreams

It is one of the most common symbols which represent your true self to others. Often times, your nudity is not at all at concern for others. This stresses up strongly that your concerns are your projections and doesn't bother anyone. Being nude at public denotes that you are hiding something and you fear it of being exposed. It is interesting that sometimes they mean insecurity, sometimes freedom. Only, a dreamer can know it’s true meaning.


Literally, they don't mean death (Some people believe that it is a pre-cognition of their death in near future, but is absolutely false) but can be scary. A dream of death of thyself or any other person represents a change, to make room for new things. If you dream of your death, it symbolizes your inner transformation or development. Losing a loved one denotes that you miss that person badly. However, death of a person can also represent that he/she doesn't have place in your life anymore. So, if you dream the death of your ex, it says you have moved on.


It is hard to interpret this kind of dream as it has both positive and negative meanings; it all depends upon the state of mind at that time. The dream of snake biting you can denote your fear of something. A snake hiding can symbolize your fear of hidden threat and you need to be cautious about that. Sometimes, it can depict your sexual urges and temptations. However, this dream can also have other meanings like transformation or your creativity. 

Running but unmoving from place

Sometimes, you dream of running but you go nowhere as if you are standing on a treadmill. This shows that you are trying to catch up something which you could not. Interpreting it may reveal that you are taking over burden on you and that won't lead you anywhere.

Falling teeth

This is the most common type of dream. Teeth denote power, growing older, the ability to communicate or your perception of your attractiveness. Losing your teeth one by one depicts your concern about your appearance. Many a times, it symbolizes powerlessness or your difficulty in expressing yourself.

Dreams of being tested

A test represents a self-evaluation or you are scrutinized by others in your life. It can also denote that you are being unprepared for something. This type of dreams are common during a real-life exam or when your confidence levels are too low however leaving the true meaning to the dreamer.

Why do dreams recur sometimes?

Sometimes, you experience a dream repeatedly. This denotes that you have not changed over something which you wanted to or it can also denote the traumatic experience of your childhood.  


Dreams can be the lessons taught by the sub-conscious mind to your conscious mind in your real life. Understanding and interpreting your dreams is really important as it enables you to explore things and persons which you may not be aware of. So, never neglect your dreams.  

AIDS Was Created- Here Are the Proofs

AIDS kills. It does so in a nasty way. It damages the entire immune system giving a debilitating and painful death. Every year, 1.5 million people fall reach the death angel in the form of AIDS; Africa alone count 1.2 million (And, there are around 30 million patients all over the world). It is a conventional thought that it has originated in the natural evolutionary process but recent research finds it contradictory. It says that HIV virus was created and was experimented on innocent African people. What is the true story about its origin? Who is the culprit behind this barbaric act?

The True Origin of AIDS

Said to be started in the 1970's, it later burst out globally bringing misery in its wake. There are many theories behind the origin of AIDS, most of them trying to cover the savage deed and are not scientifically credible. The most renowned of them is 'cut hunter theory'  which says that HIV was transmitted when a Chimp bit a native African hunter and was later transmitted to all other. However, this theory has a paramount loop hole which completely rules out this theory. If the theory was correct, HIV should have originated long before as hunting Chimpanzees is a common practice in Africa since hundreds of years. Then, why didn't it happen?

Before getting into details, we need to know some virology. Many parasites which affect animals do not affect human beings and vice-versa. For example, Bovine Leukemia Virus (BLV)  is lethal to cows but doesn't affect humans. At the same time, HIV affects human beings but it is non-reactive in other animals. However, there are some diseases like Yellow fever and small pox which affects both. 

SIV (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus), the parent of HIV virus is naturally present in 37 non-primate species. Except in a few, this virus doesn't have any fatalities despite at higher concentrations. SIV is a retrovirus, a virus which replicates in the host cell by an enzyme called 'reverse transcriptase'. Hence, immune system cannot locate the ward exactly and thus cannot generate antibodies. Also, the size of the virus varies accordingly depending upon the species. For example, in Chimpanzee it is SIVcpz and in a sooty manabay's, it is SIVsmm. So, how did SIV become HIV and transmit to human beings?

The True Story

Some of the theories say that this epidemic was created by CIA, some say it was done to eliminate homosexuals and black people but they could not answer historical and scientific aspects of that time. Of all, OPV (Oral Polio Vaccine) theory is the most viable. It proposes that an experimental OPV was made in an unique manner and was given to 1 million Africans in the late 1950's, spreading the epidemic to nearly 500 people of Belgian Congo and Ruanda regions(They were infected with pandemic strain of HIV-1).

At those times, OPV’s were made from the kidneys of Green monkeys. Usage of Chimpanzees in the preparation was not allowed. During 1956-59, the OPV campaign in the Belgian Congo was led by most renowned virologist and immunologist Dr. Hilary Kaprowski . There were around 500 Chimps placed at Lindi camp, each cage occupied by 2 chimps. And there was a play cage made for chimps in which 10 chimps were placed. So, this might b the chance for the transmission of SIV from one to other by licking each other’s wounds, scratching and by Caprophagy (eating of faeces). The fact that OPV was made from chimpanzees was maintained a top secret as preparation of vaccine from man’s closest relatives is highly controversial and also killing chimpanzees in a region where Belgian royal family ordered for the protection of wild animals.

The preparation of OPV involved both medical and commercial risks. If the vaccine is used, there is a potential risk of transmission of SIV which will mutate in human cells and also if they were successful, the medicine companies acquire huge sums of profit. When Dr. Hilary Kaprowski made his first sample, Dr. Albert B. Sabin, another renowned virologist of that time found that the sample is highly unstable and there were traces of chimpanzee cells in it. He found a virus in it and named it “Virus X”. As a result, there is high danger of transmission if OPV (this was named as CHAT vaccine) is given at mass. He wrote a letter to Kaprowski regarding this wherein he got a reply whose essence is

Dear Albert, I have carefully considered your extraordinary letter with extraordinary evidences. For a moment, I can’t imagine I would dismiss ten years of my work for an investigator’s work. Bye, my friend and colleague.

Albert later tried to publicize this but his effort went in vain as OPV brought a revolution replacing ordinary syringes and medicine companies were reluctant to drop down in the middle as they had invested millions of dollars on OPV.

The primary victims of HIV were from Leopoldville (in 1959 and 1960), where exactly the Polio vaccination took place. In addition to this, all the first patients of HIV were found in the regions around Belgian Congo and Rwanda. This clearly shows that the transmission started from Polio vaccination campaigns. Intriguingly, when the primary samples of polio vaccine were tested, it is found that there is no trace of HIV virus in it. But, this is highly suspicious as the test results were done only in a US lab and was not allowed for testing independently by any other lab.

The above facts clearly show that HIV was created due to mere negligence. The reason for the ongoing secrecy today is that if these facts are established, it would surely shake the public confidence on the medical ways at the same time costing the prevention of usage of experimental vaccines in developing and under-developed countries. But, fact is a fact. It can’t be changed.

7 Proofs that Ancestral Technology is Better than Ours

               We are far more superior to those bunches of idiots from ancient ages. Probably, they never know what a Macbook is! We excel them in every way, save for beard-growing abilities. Is it true? Recent investigations and research reveal that they exceed our present-day technology in many aspects. Let us look at the pillars supporting this idea.

The Seven Proofs
Contrary to the common idea, ancestral technology excelled us in many ways. Starting from the ancient battery technology to the aeroplanes, we are little too late in finding things or for that matter, we re-discovered many.

7. Ancient telescope:

This origin of this lens(popularly called as Nimrud lens) dates back to 1000 B.C. The Nimrud lens was found in 1850 by Sir John Layard in Assyrian palace of Nimrud (Iraq). It is made by a natural rock crystal and has the ability to magnify 3 times!! Moreover, this crystal has 12 cavities that are opened during grinding so that it can be filled with Naphtha (Naphtha is used to filter the crystal). Isn't it amazing that Assyrians could make a telescope 2,600 years just before than our modern telescope which was made by Hans Lippershey in 1608 A.D.?

6. Roman Concrete:

Recent research about the 2,000 year old concrete found in the submerged waves of Mediterranean Sea reveal that it is much superior to the present-day one. Possibly originated from the Roman times, this concrete is a blend of lime and volcanic rock. Samples of Tobermorite are found which turned it into an extremely durable and stable one. Scientists are still bemused how this thing could have survived the harsh waves for 2,000 years whereas extant concrete could last 50 years!

5. Ancient Nanotechnology:

Oh! Come on, what might be so technological about a goblet? Indeed, it depicts the ancient Roman knowledge of nanotechnology. When this chalice is lit from the front, it scatters jade-green color while lighting it from behind emerges blood-red light. Thousands of gold and silver flecks were inserted into the cup which brightens it in accordance to the position of the observer. This clearly depicts that it was no accident but indeed made with extreme precision.

4. Earthquake detector:

We still could not predict an Earthquake accurately, even though we could measure and record it where ancient Chinese could accurately predict an earthquake. Excavations revealed a 2,000 year-old Seismoscope which is said to be invented by Chinese genius Zhang Heng. 8 dragons snaked down the bronze vessel whose mouths are filled with a bronze ball each. 8 toads were placed at its base as if they were ready to collect the balls. Whenever an earthquake occurs, the ball falls on the toad alerting the people and also giving a rough direction of it. In 2005, scientists tested this Seismoscope in villages of China and Vietnam and succeeded in predicting the havoc.

3. Antikythera Mechanism:

Often called as the world's first analog computer, this mechanism is most fabulous mechanical device of the ancient world. It was found first in 1900 in a Greek island Antikythera and is 3,500 years old. It consists of extraordinary precise gears, dials and cogs which made it sophisticated. Probably, this mechanism was used primarily as the astronomical observer. We could not achieve this technology until 18th century where Greeks could do this somewhere 3,500 years before!

 2. The Baghdad Battery:

Discovered in 1936, this ancient battery surely surprised the modern world. Encapsulated by a clay pot, the internal structure of this battery consisted of a copper cylinder in which an iron rod is placed without touching it. Both of them are held in position by an Asphalt plug. Each of the battery could produce 1-2 volts and also lasts long. It was found that it was built in 300 B.C. and if it so, for what purpose did they use it for? Did they had any electronic knowledge too? It still remains as a question.

1. The Vimanas:

An Airplane Model from the 'Vimana Sastra'
Now, it's the time to know about some cool ancient airplane technology. Dossiers and sacred texts of ancient India reveal the presence of airplane and missile technology. In the Vedas(dates back to 2000 B.C.) many airplane models were described which were said to fly into the air by fire and water (Two famous models are 'the Pushpaka Vimana' and 'the Suvarna pushpa'). In Mahabharata (sacred text of Hindus) too, missile technology was mentioned. And more importantly, this aeronautical technology is not confined to India. Egypt's 'Saqqira bird', Columbia's 'golden airplane', 'Nazca lines' clearly indicate the aeronautical knowledge of our ancestors.

Saqqira Bird

There are many more examples to prove. Some of you may wonder that they don't have electronic gadgets, giant multi-storey buildings,  sophisticated genetic technology, etc.... but aren't they great for what they achieved hundreds of years before what we could achieve now, at least some basic technology? It is not until 18th century, we had invented some of these. In this way, they are far advanced than us. Hats off, ancestors!

Duke Engines- the future of Automobiles

With the increasing technology, we are able to design more and more efficient engines. Out of all, Dukes engine (an engine designed by New Zealand Company Duke) is the most efficient and intriguing one. 

 Axial engines

In conventional engines, the axes of cylinders are arranged in a fashion perpendicular to that of crankshaft. There are two major problems with these engines

1. These conventional engines occupy too much of space and also do not allow variation in compression ratios.

2. In every conventional IC engine, some of the air-fuel mixture is injected during the exhaustion stroke. This results in wastage of fuel.

In order to overcome this problem, axial engines were introduced(axis of cylinders is parallel to that of crankshaft). But, the axial engines had shown lesser efficiency. With the invention of Duke Engine, the field of axial engines was revolutionized. Light weight and higher efficiency are its remarkable features.

How is it different from conventional engines?

A Duke engine weighs half of the weight of the normal engine and even the number of components is prodigiously decreased. Duke engine has achieved excellent results with an axial engine prototype that completely does away with valves, with excellent power and torque from an engine much smaller, lighter and simpler than the existing technology.

The most immediate advantages of the Duke Engine are its size and weight when compared to late model conventional internal combustion engines. The current prototype Duke 3-litre engine is up to 19% lighter than the conventional engines. For example, the significant weight contributed by the many fasteners in the developmental engines would not be present in a production version. It occupies 1/3rd of shipping box. Similarly, a 'shrink wrap' measurement of the volume of the comparison engines showed this engine has up to a 36% smaller volume.

The mechanism used is called swash plate mechanism.


The design of Duke Engine is completely different from that of conventional engines. It is a modification of z-engines. It is highly remarkable that it offers great freedom to the designers as it consumes less space. Duke engine is presently made as 3 litre, 4-stroke with 5 cylinders and with just 3 spark plugs.


The Duke engine is an axial design, meaning that its five cylinders encircle the drive shaft and run parallel with it. The pistons drive a star-shaped reciprocator, which rotates around the drive shaft, kind of like a spinning coin coming to rest on a table.


The basic advantages of this engine are
* Smaller & lighter engine
* Smooth running
* Vibration free
* Fuel flexibility
* No power loss from cams/valves
* Valve-less porting giving scope for freedom of design
* Adjustable compression ratios
* Reduce number of compression banks
* Almost perfect sinusoidal motion allowing connecting rods to move freely.

The future of engine technology relies with this type of engines. With the limited natural gas resources, the efficiency of the engines has to be increased to a larger extent. And also the engine space has to be decreased to a greater extent in order to increase the speed and other features. Hence, this engine proves to be very useful in doing so. However, this engine is presently designed for 3 liter capacities only. Within ten years, Duke might be able to design for all types. Whatever may be, this surely is the revolution in the field of automobile engineering.

The War of the currents:Edison vs Tesla


                This article is about the war of currents held in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, and stars two of the most celebrated modern inventors, who influenced the course of history, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, and has another player, a businessman by the name of George Westinghouse.

                 Nicola Tesla was an American Serbian inventor, born in 1856 in modern day Croatia. His early years were very turbulent, with him contracting life-threatening diseases, escaping his home, fleeing from his family, and excelling in his studies in engineering to being addicted to gambling the next year. He is known for his contributions to the development of A/C current generators, and wardenclyffe tower, and his lesser known inventions include, the torpedo (which the United States government did not show any interest in at the time). He is greatly respected by the 21st century populace, the revolutionary car company Tesla is named after him, as is the unit of magnetic flux.

                Thomas Edison, who was the founder of General electric, the inventor of the phonograph, and known around the world as the man who invented the lightbulb, although the last fact is false (Mr. Alessandro Volta, after whom the unit volt was named, demonstrated the use of a light-bulb before Edison was even born, in the year 1800). Thomas Edison has practically demonstrated the use of many inventions like the camera and lightbulb. He was a prolific inventor, and had over 1000 patents to his name, due to which his is also known as the man who invented a thousand things.

                Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison had a few similarities, while growing up, as both were inspired and taught by their mothers, with Nikola tesla crediting his mother for his eidetic memory and Thomas Edison saying “My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so sure of me; and I felt I had something to live for, someone I must not disappoint."

                Another similarity between the two of them is their tough childhood. They both had life threatening illnesses when they were young, Edison was even hard of hearing because of the scarlet fever he had while he was young.

               These two, would, in the future, be on different sides of a war, a war of currents. Nikola Tesla once worked for Mr. Thomas Edison .There was an argument between Mr. Edison and Nikola Tesla over pay. Thomas Edison told Nikola Tesla that if he improved Edison’s design of the DC motor, he would pay Tesla 50000$, and Tesla did exactly that within a month, to which, Edison, saying that he was only joking, replied, "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor”. Instead, Edison offered a US$10 a week raise over Tesla's US$18 per week salary; Tesla refused the offer and immediately resigned.

                This event was the preamble to the war of currents, which brought these two head-to-head. After quitting his job, Tesla focused on A/C generators and motors, and soon got patents for them. Edison was a firm believer in D/C power and focused on it, opening the power plants across the United States starting 1882. D/C power, at that time had many disadvantages when compared to A/C current, it was tough to change the voltage (which meant that the lines for industrial use having a high voltage, would have to be different to the domestic usage lines), that the range was very less, about 1.5 km (which meant that the generating station be near the load), and that large conductors would be needed for the stations (which meant a high investment, which was not economical). 

                A young businessman by the name of George Westinghouse, saw the potential in A/C and decided to invest in Tesla, even though it was expensive. (Tesla charged 2.5$ per HP, and 50000$ signing charges for his patents of A/C generators and motors).

               Edison is widely known for his campaigns against A/C power. This marked the all-time low of the ‘war of currents’. Edison, wanting to spread the message that A/C power was more dangerous, tried to discourage the public from using A/C current by spreading rumours about A/C current, killing stray animals, like cats and dogs, and unwanted cattle using A/C current, publicly. In addition to this, he tried to popularize the term ‘Westinghoused’ to anybody who was electrocuted.

               The lowest point in this campaign was reached when Edison paid an inventor by the name of Harold to create an electric chair, and he supplied the first electric chair to the state of New York, for the execution of a prisoner known as William kemmler. The technicians misjudged the amount of current required, and, as a result, the prisoner did not die, but was badly burnt. When asked to comment, Mr Westinghouse said that “they should have used an axe”

               The mighty D/C backers faced their first loss in 1890.The ‘fall’ of D/C started when the Willamette Falls Electric company installed Experimental A/C generators in the Willamette falls in 1890, after the D/C generator, installed the year before, was destroyed due to a flood. In the same year, the Niagara falls power company analyzed methods to harness the power of the Niagara falls. The team analyzed a variety of proposals, but could not come to a decision.

               Everything changed in the battleground in the war of currents a year later. In the year 1891, the international Electro-Technical Exhibition was held in Frankfurt, Germany, and was powered by 3 phase A/C current, being generated 175 km away. This exhibition proved that the A/C system was a more practical and efficient system than the D/C transmission system, and as a result, in the year 1893, the Niagara falls power company gave the Westinghouse corporation the contract.

              This virtually lent a death-blow to D/C transmission. A few years later, General electric also jumped in the A/C bandwagon and caught up to the other companies.

              This rivalry was one that shaped the world, and involved two of the greatest inventors of their time go against each other. Their approach to their ends and their behaviour to it was very different. One of the main differences between them was their upbringing, both having a similar childhood, but the countries that they belonged to were very different. Edison was brought up in America, the land of the capitalists, wherein the science behind the invention was not the main concern, but the practical application and monetary gains were. 

              This fact is evident when we see that Tesla was concerned with the inefficiency with dc systems, whereas Edison was concerned with dc systems being of similar cost to traditional gas lamps. Some speculate that Mr Edison was not even fully aware of ohms law, and on the other end of the spectrum, we have Tesla, who was not an inventor, but a visionary.

                Many analysts of the current war say that both the inventors had amazing ideas, some ideas which were not so good (impossible in the case of Tesla, as in the case of worldwide transmission by Tesla), but the way in which they handled it was very different. Edison tried to force the public to forgo the more advantageous ac current by a media campaign of fear, a staple for politicians, and the way Tesla regarded the problem of his failure ( in his case, the failure of wardenclyffe tower) was similar to that of philosopher Aristotle and many other geniuses and savants, he became eccentric and wasted away.

             In conclusion, we can observe what happens when the yin and yang of a technical entrepreneur collide; the result is innovation, for the better. If left unchecked, the world would have suffered. It would be a costly process to convert to America to dc systems years later, if not for Tesla, and, without Edison, most of the practical inventions he patented would not make it to the drawing board until years later.

              It might seem that Edison was dead wrong, but he might have had the last laugh (if he were alive), because, most modern systems now use a High Voltage D/C current system to transmit power.

Did God Create Us or We Created Him?

                 "Existence of god"-  perhaps this is the most perturbing and controversial topic since ages and indeed,a tough and genuine one. Most of the people conclude that God is a belief and we must accept that. Should we accept it without reasons? Absolutely, no. This concept of God has a very strong influence that people today are strongly divaricated into two genres- theists and atheists. I have made a very candid attempt to explain this however, I don't want to make this religious though. 

God- Did He create us or we had created him?

                 We are talking about stars, galaxies, planets or for that matter, our universe. We are talking about all these things because they exist and will exist. So as God. Okay, if God exists "why can't we see him?" This a very valid question. I'll illustrate this with an example. Consider an elephant standing before an ant. This ant cannot see the elephant with its eyes as its range is limited. Similarly, we can't see God because our vision is limited to see the unlimited God. 

                 Here is Newton's answer to an atheist scientist. Newton once had a skilled mechanic for him to make an exemplar of Solar system. It was very precisely made with gears to mimic the real motion of planets. After this,his atheist friend visited Newton and highly impressed by it, he asked Newton to know who made it. Newton answered "Nobody!" Thinking that Newton was joking, he asked once again and same was the reply. He slightly aggravated and replied "Do you think I am a fool! Of course, someone has made it and he is a genius." Newton then replied that "If you could not believe that this puny model is not designed and made by someone, how could you believe that this mighty universe with such perfection has no designer and maker?"

Do science and religion say the same thing?

                 Obviously, yes. But, the ways are different. Einstein's mass-energy equivalence relation has an answer to this. When we apply this equation (E=mC2) to Big Bang, we get infinite energy. Science call this infinite energy as God. According to this, God is an infinite energy from which these planets, stars and in fact, this universe has come from. Isn't it flabbergasting to know that religion also reveals the same? Religion defines God as a supreme being who drives us and He is the one who created us. Still do u contradict?

                 Then, let us look at the first law of Thermodynamics. According to it, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can just be transformed from one state to other state (Note here that mass is also a form of energy in accordance to Einstein's relation. It defines mass as the amount of energy which is concentrated in a limited space). So, this universe must have come from a source which again points to supreme being. 

                 Not only Big Bang, when we examine a microscopic DNA molecule, it consists of a unique 3 billion genetic letters. These codes ave a very specific instructions for the development of an organism. In fact, these letters are responsible for our survival. Who wrote that unique code? This simply answers that there should be one who intentionally constructed it and we call that designer as God. 

                God is the energy which relies in us, the energy present in the nature and it is the energy which drives the entire universe. Call Him Jesus, Allah, Buddha or Shiva, He is one and the same. As energy can be neither created nor destroyed, God is permanent! 

How to do Telepathy?

                 Whenever somebody speaks about Telepathy, most of us remember would ponder about Professor X of X-Men series immediately followed by a question "Is it possible?" Yeah, absolutely. Telepathy is one of the most intriguing mind over matter games (some of them are Telekinesis, Pyrokinesis, Clairvoyance, Precognition etc.) which involve Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) (ESP is communication between two people without the involvement of five senses). Telepathy can comprehend feelings, thoughts, emotions and even some times images. This is not exactly a contemporary one. According to religious texts, telepathy was in practice during ancient times (it is a practice mentioned in Vedas, Judo-Christian traditions, Islam etc.). It is scientifically proven that it is the most common phenomenon during our sleep.

Telepathy- How it works?

                 The exact mechanism behind telepathy is still vague. Scientists could give a possible explanation that telepathy is a process of exchanging electromagnetic energy between two beings. When a profound thought occur, our neurons accumulate electromagnetic energy and then when we try to transmit it to other person, the EM energy is released to reach that person. The largest thread of mystery behind this theory is that it could not explain how can the information reach only the specified person. It might be that its possible as the receiver is cognizant that he is going to receive some information, his brain may catch the EM waves from that of the transmitter's (yes, the receiver should know that he is going to receive some information).

How to do it?

                There are copious techniques to practice Telepathy. Of them, this is the most facile one. 

Step 1:

                Have a peaceful mind. Sit in an idle place where you will not be perturbed by anything (room, park, mountain etc.). Think positively that you gonna do this. Negative thinking may prevent you from reaching your target. Concentration is the key to your success. Do a breathing exercise couple of times or for that matter any sort of perspective relaxation methods. This is required to energize your mind so that it can produce strong EM energy from your energy and psychosomatic (astral) bodies. (however, you can do some light physical exercises which can ease you)

Step 2:

1. Now, visualize the receiver in your mind as if he is 1-2 feet away from you. Feel him. You can take a look at his photograph before closing your eyes as this will help you to visualize him properly. Connect your thoughts with that person with all your feelings involved so that you can send precise information to him. 

2. Now, imagine a tunnel between you (your favorite color should be imagined for extraordinary results). A tunnel is a channel that would help you to pass your message. I say you once again that optimistic belief is a paramount factor. However, if you feel difficulties in achieving visualization of tunnel, you can just think that you are having a conversation with him.   

3. A telepathic message will travel faster a light ray! As a result, emotions play a key role in sending your message. In fact, they decide to start or stop further conversation. In many cases, lack of emotional charge in your expression will fail the result. Consequently, don't strain your mind too to generate efficacious emotions. You always need to stay relaxed and composed.

Step 3:

                 At some time (maybe few seconds or minutes), you will know that the message had reached. If you could not do that in 15 minutes, it would be better to stop and try at a later time (your mind would be exhausted in doing so by that time). You may need to repeat this process many times in order to become an adept. Also, remember that no distance can stop you to send a telepathic message (in a recent experiment, there was a successful telepathic communication between persons who were 4,500 miles apart!). Constant practice will help you to deliver you message with astounding precision and clarity.

                 Recent experiments have revealed that even animals can perform telepathy (this may be the reason why animals like dogs behave to your thoughts). It would be an incredible journey to experience telepathic experiences. So, why stop, just give a try. Best of luck!